olya’s law

if a new guest is visiting and you’ve cleaned the bathroom to the utmost degree, they are definitely not going to go in.

if one of the cats spilled some litter between the time of cleaning and the guest’s entrance, then they will definitely will visit the bathroom.

driving into sudbury

last week i was training (doing training) in sudbury. driving into the city from the airport the song “i’m an adult now” came on. it was very appropriate.

i’m very tired from work. i don’t think i have ever been this tired or emotionally drained in my life.

i’m shocked i can still feel happy and laugh.

i can’t wait till we go live on august 4th.

then the project is done.

and i can go back.

to normal life.

where i only will work 40 hours a week.

not 60 + travel.