date: 1120162053
mood: pretty decent
listening to:humming underworld – cowgirl
10 NMC329H
11 NMC329H
13 CSC343H CSC343H
14 CSC343H
15 SLA314H
16 FAH290H SLA314H
17 FAH290H
18 PHL243H PSY370H
19 PHL243H PSY370H
20 PHL243H PSY370H
Will definitely take:
PSY370H1 Thinking and Reasoning 52L, 36P
Problem-solving as a model of directed thinking; conceptual behaviour and mental representation; induction, deduction and learning; probabilistic reasoning; creative thinking and complex problem solving.
CSC343H1 Introduction to Databases 26L, 13T
Introduction to database management systems. The relational data model. Relational algebra. Querying and updating
databases: the query language SQL. Application programming with SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms, and database design. Elements of database system technology: query processing, transaction management.
Will drop 2:
PHL243H1 Philosophy of Human Sexuality 39L
Philosophical issues about sex and sexual identity in the light of biological, psychological and ethical theories of sex and gender; the concept of gender; male and female sex roles; “perverse” sex; sexual liberation; love and sexuality.
FAH290H1 Asian Art 52L
Major themes of eastern art drawn from the rich legacy of Ancient Near Eastern, Islamic, Indian, Chinese and Japanese civilizations from prehistory to the recent past. Emphasis on appreciation within cultural context; museum visits.
SLA314H1 Dostoevsky 13L, 13T
Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, and short works. Dostoevsky’s political, psychological, and religious ideas as they shape and are shaped by his literary art. Readings in English.
NMC329H1 Dead Sea Scrolls 26L
An examination of the political context in which these scrolls were produced and preserved.; different theories of who produced these texts, e.g., Sadduccees, Zadokite Priests or Essenes; the way the scrolls use earlier biblical traditions. No Hebrew/Aramaic required; students with background in these languages will have opportunities to use them.