bubble close ups, not sure how i missed this viral.
Category: general life updates
updated design
got bored with what i had before, and nothing else from what i had installed i liked. blogging from work…
this weekend i worked, and then ate lobster. mmmm. lobsterfest at tim’s sailing club.
i want to take more pictures.
‘Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.’ (Ansel Adams)
june 17th
holy crap when did we pass halfway through june?
june 18th
travel to sudbury; dinner by myself; driving a mazda is fun. gorgeous take off.
june 19th
return from sudbury, i might travel to newfoundland next week. gorgeous landing. i’m sorry i didn’t take the camera for this trip.
driving into sudbury
last week i was training (doing training) in sudbury. driving into the city from the airport the song “i’m an adult now” came on. it was very appropriate.
i’m very tired from work. i don’t think i have ever been this tired or emotionally drained in my life.
i’m shocked i can still feel happy and laugh.
i can’t wait till we go live on august 4th.
then the project is done.
and i can go back.
to normal life.
where i only will work 40 hours a week.
not 60 + travel.
(thank you diny i need reminding nowadays and this is better for me even if i don’t remember)
passive agressive at work sucks.
what amazing weather. so awesome to walk home from work. (not so awesome to be at work on saturday and sunday).
trying out one sentence journal.
i gave my first adult-training session ever today. thanfully it was to IT people.
i’m planning to shoot (another) wedding.
i’ve started helping an interior design website.