here it goes.

date: 1096315002

listening to:

hey hey.
update for today will be short. i tis 10 to 10pm, i stlil have a 30 minute walk home, and there really isn’t anything funny to update.

quotes from today’s chinese class:

“olya, do you drink”
“drink… *confused face* drink? yes, drink”
“so, drinkdrinkdrink – i take it you drink a lot?”

(in chinese to say yes to a question you use the verb)

*in next door room very loud noise, french movie or something*
*he walks up to the door to the next room and VERY loudly goes*

*practicing numbers – from 1 to 10*
he says the number in chinese or english and you say it in the other one. we only did 1,2,3 at this point:
him – person
yi – one
san – three
two – er
one – yi
er – two
three – san
one – yi
yi – one
er – two
two – er
san – three
three thousnd six hundred and five – *?@$#@*

also, practicing numbers: he is asking people which floor their bed is on (presumably won’t be more than 3, considering the architecture in europe – my guesthouse is the tallest building all around, but he doesn’t know that!) – asks first girl, second girl.. yi, er, er, asks me..

i look at him, and raise 5 fingers
he just grabs his head and sits down “aah this is impossible”

practicing pronounciation of new words:
“dutch laugh at chinese and say that they don’t have the sound R! well, yes, we DO have that sound, it is just it is pronounced differently – now if you look at symbol “er” …”

i just think its funny cause, its not r if you pronounce it differently.

i got nothing.