today kinda sucked

1. work was painful. had a big chewing out for something i did wrong and then turns out i did it right. but 4 hours of BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD and then 4 hours of SORRY SORRY SORRY still make up one really bad day.

2. car broke and still is not fixed.

3. need said car to get tim from the sail club after he arrived with the boat

4. no car. ttc to parents, get their car, get to tim, get them.

turns out they had not much luck either:

1. took 7 hours to get boat from shore onto water and into ready state

2. no wind all day. they had to motor all the way from mississauga.

3. when some people were getting dropped off we hit a guy on a bike. turned out he was drunk and actually drove into our slightly open door. still freaky!

am twiddling my thumbs and hoping everyone gets home safe tonight. PHEW monday is done.

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