2009 – first 5 months

the first 5 were a whirlwind. wish i posted.

short summary:

cottage (whoops, can’t leave dry stuff on hot surfaces), photoshoot with coworker, dinners with friends, winter, brrr.

las vegas, classical concerts, project management course starts, sailboat bought, did some yoga.

course continue, more concerts, more yoga, more work. sailing classes start.

fall into the water when sailing and develop a phobia, more classical concerts (thank you stalker!), parents visit japan, dad’s birthday, we buy a condo.


wait WHUT WE BOUGHT A CONDO? that’s right! coming soon to an olya near you is a 850 sq beauty in the downtown core. (i’m exaggerating a bit. mostly about the beauty part – the kitchen is old and shall be REPLACED)

sailing, course, work, rinse repeat. managed to fit more concerts and friend time in there, and even some family face time.

to come:

all the courses WILL BE DONE. boat will be in the water. i will blog more often. i will upload photos. i will go to paris. i will helm on a boat that does NOT flip. i will go to bed at not 1:30am.

i’m not so sure about that last part.