
date: 1106272118

mood: wee , end of week.
listening to:wee , 3 assignments due in a row next week

last night i had the strangest dream

i sailed away to china…
err, okay, that’s a song.

actually, i’m blurry on what happened. a phone call woke me up. but i remember blood, and killing, and it was something scary. i ended up running away from someone on a air-sliding skateboard like piece of carpet (it was a regular carpet and the physics of the dream were such that if the road went downhill i could gain speed). this unknown person who … i had to kill? but i couldn’t, caught me and we had to go somewhere where i wouldn’t be a happy person (i.e. i was afraid of going with him).
so we were gliding over a big hill in a park, and i got ahead of him cause i’m lighter. and then there was a small hill down, grassy, wet, at night. and a road. with cars that would cross it in a second. and then a downhill street, which changed from deep night to day as i “skated” on it. and i managed to escape ebcause i crossed, and then there were cars rushing in right behind me.

so i was skating down this street, and i kept thinking i’ll be in beverly hills soon, and i was reckless and tried to escape from the guy… and gained speed, endangering the pedestrians on the street. i arrived to the ocean (? lake? big body of water), and looked around and i thought i saw the guy somewhere long far behind meon this looong downhill street that i just came down from.

so i went into a convinience store, but it was tiny and empty. so i ran out, crossed the street, and went into a place… i almost can remember the name, but it was the kind that serves frozen yogurt … sherbet? but it was something else.
i walk in, there’s a room, with one door, i go through the door and enter a low-ceilinged place, very dim. full of black people. mostly mom’s and dad’s with their kids, buying ice cream. listening to music from a 50s style machine. who’s name i don’t remember either. but you know how it looks.

i buy ice cream. i pick oreo’s (cookies and cream), 1 scoop, and 1 scoop of something like … rainbow sherbet at baskin robins. it wasn’t called that, but looked like that. and this kid also buys the same thing. its 6.95. i barely have enough money for it. and i wanted 3 scoops, but i thought i should save money since i am on the run. (from the guy, remember?)

i feel scared, and don’t want to leave the place, it seems like he wouldn’t look for me there.

and then i wake up!

analyze THAT, people.