One thought on “coolest photo ever”

  1. You’d be surprised by what can be done without digital. Have you ever heard of Jerry Uelsmann? He’s considered one of the fathers of photo manipulation to that degree.

    Now…..if you can’t imagine…..then lets speculate how it could be done; and if you’d rather not have an idea, then you can stop reading right here!

    You can pick up various traces (flaws) in the manipulation. For one, the shadow under “Dali” and the painting looks very weird. Right under the left of the easel you can see that the shadow gets sharp a bit. And whats the shadow leading up to the right of? It still works great as a balancing element to bring you to that.

    If you follow the line of the wall, you’ll see that the wall right behind the little stool is lower than the rest and it doesn’t have the frame thingie.

    The big chair could easily be held in place or added later in post production.

    The painting and the stool to the right are fairly simple to set up. Painting is attached to the wall (no need to worry about shadows) and the stool could also be attached so that the wall or hanging from the big counter on top.

    The splash is closer to the camera than the rest of the background. You can tell because the small drops are big in comparison to the rest of the elements. The cat crossing the stream is a kitten. The other two are slightly back and are adult cats. Im not sure if the water came from the left or the right. I havent thrown water in that fashion in a while =P

    The guy jumping is…….well just jumping, and the painting could be attached to the wall (light source would make it easier to avoid shadows), but my guess is that it was modified simply because of the shadows.

    You see, the shadows on the floor are much lighter and diffused than on everything else. If i had control over that, I wouldve also made them lighter. Sharp dark shadows would make it very unbalancing and distracting.

    It’s still pretty cool though. Its like watching a movie and wondering how they achieved a specific effect on something =P

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