4 thoughts on “HOLY CRAP! i want this!”

  1. hahaha
    take it easy – since this posting a friend pointed out a better lowerpro bag so now i’m debating on the usefulness of ANY of them… i have a laptop backpack. i just don’t know which bags i really would need – for the 23 hour australia flight i plan to have a rolley bag with clothes, water, camera, and a handbag with laptop, book, water and tickets
    somewhere in there some healthy snacks/food will go too – 23 hours with airplane food – yikes, no.

    tokyo airport has showers :D and massage lounges! 20 minutes for 20 dollars? i’m highly tempted.

  2. i think this one only fits the canon cameras and lenses… sorry olya :d

    and camera bags are yummy. :D

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