
Surround yourself with as many things and methods capable of bringing fifth circuit brain activity as you can. To do this, a partial listing of techniques follows:
1. Unlearn traditional ways of thinking. Don’t judge or analyze others and their actions or thoughts. Function on a basic, physical, fourth brain circuit sexual plane. Be patient. Be creative. Be different than you were. Give up the past and the disastrous training it contains.
2. Meditate 38 minutes daily. New ideas indicate good meditation.
3. Be aware. Notice everything about you; colors, sounds, people, trees, etc., and try to increase that awareness every day.
4. Listen to dreams, hunches, intuition and sort them out according to second circuit, first circuit, or possible higher brain circuit emanations. Dreams represent the firing of brain cells in specific brain circuits. Many times these are just random firings and mean nothing. Some times, they are not random and tell you what a specific brain circuit is focused on.
5. BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THIS! Don’t rely on the opinions of others to judge and evaluate your path. Rely on the discernment of your teacher and guide as you build a new ability to rely on your own discernment based on the new understanding and knowledge of the world around you.
6. Surround yourself with the following:
flowers, potted or fresh cut
music, classical or light classical
bright colors
bright lights
bright odors
sensual touch and thought
sexual activity
views of scenic nature
helpful, respectful, and similar friends – crap, where do i find these ;)
7. Be creative to some extent each day
8. Read about your Path. Study regularily
9. Good nutrition
10. Use activity to open the fifth brain circuit. Practice Tantric rituals of all levels where legally possible. The physical world works to bring forth physical energy. Don’t rely on mental energy to boost your physical energy to the levels required to reach your goal. These methods abound and are great for the spiritual couch potato. Get off your couch and make some mental, spiritual, and physical progress each day.

from my researchig for paper due today. (yesterday + 1 day extension)

7 thoughts on “”

  1. i got a book on entheogenic (hallucinogenic) drugs and their relation to religion and meditation/visions. dunno if youre interested, its pretty neat so far. similar to doors of perception by huxley, read that if you havent yet and are interested in what mescaline does. how does this relate to the post? i dont know SHUP ok GOSH.

  2. scarf,

    bring that book next time we meet! or pass it to maha. i’d love to read the drug/meditation book, esp. if its scientific (versus … talkactive?)

  3. huxley’s book is talkative, the one i’m reading now seems to be somewhat scientific, i haven’t gotten very far yet. though if you really have nothing to read, i have a 700-page book called ‘zen and the brain’, which is very scientific (written by an MD), but also talkative at appropriate times (MD who practices zen buddhism). talks about meditation and neurological effects and stuff. i was gonna give it to you after i was done, but i stopped a while ago and i wont resume until i have lots of time, i.e. summer.

  4. rofl.
    scarf, i quoted from that book on my last paper (insight and meditation: neurological perspective) was the title. a friend from class refered it to me – i definitely want to read it (i only covered the crucial chapters to my topic – specifically the ones about brain waves, schizohprenia/insight, meditation/insight connections (first chapter a bit), and stuff lke that). if you want a copy of my paper lemme know (by email). you might be interested in other things i’m quoting there.

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