happy new year

date: 1072974152

mood: sleepy-happy-sleepy- but honestly not bad at all!
listening to:enigma – metamorphosis – off the 4th fake cd

this was typed in a window that stayed open the whole night and i forgot about it! but since all my friends are really nice and polite no one peeked.

i had the freakiest dreams. absolutely long and with so much detail. my dog was … black. and i had a sister. and mr. smith talked to me. (“Hello Ms Sanakoev”). and it was cool because all the other agents were afraid of me! this is some weird merge between reality (my home), movies (matrix), and people i know (the dog, having a sister).

and there were creepy as fuck clowns. that wanted to sell stuff. brainwashing. and then when you refused to buy their things they would … do … i don’t remember what, in my case it for some reason involved my sister sealing off all the vents with bags made by the clown company. which lead me to the question of whether we are going to suffocate. now it makes sense that we won’t! but its a dream.

and … the agents tried to seal me off from my dog using a force field but for some reason i was able to break it. and an agent was chasing after this guy who i helped escape and then when he came to my front door he seemed visibly intimidated by me! and i mean… i’m small! and i stood up higher did something silly like growling at him.

uhm, yeah.

lets hope my new year isn’t nearly as disturbing as my first dream!

time to wrap presents, and go to my cousins and open my own there and watch other people open mine.

my fish is still here!