last night entry

date: 1073244173

mood: distressed
listening to:paul mauriat – alouette

my internet connection is “fishy”. i.e. i can’t load half the things and pings are usually timing out. therefore me typing this up in notepad

my fish is sick. with fungus. and i should have caught it earlier but i couldn’t figure out if the white spot was a part of his coloring or a disease, turns out its a disease.

did a full water change (i had water from the aquarium from which he came, so it was mostly washing out the bowl with boilinghotwater about 5 times and then rinsing out with spring water and then filling with clean prepped water from aquarium + 10% spring water)

i’m running to pet store tomorrow morning and hopefully he will live until then.

he was really happy the 2 days, and now he is tired, and very … unhappy. like his fins used to be very wavy and happy and now they are all together and clamped and stuff.

come to think of it that is listed as one of the symptoms but since it only happened over like past 3 hours i still have time. right? … right?

it’d really suck if he died now, but i’m prepared to handle it. i did everything i could until now.

i even have pictures of him!

and he has a name too, daemon. i guess that makes it more personal.

otherwise my days are very cool, but right now all my mind is taken up by worry. its a life that is dependant on me!

oh, distressed as in STRESSED, not DE-stressed.