today update

date: 1073244415

mood: worried, upset, hopeful
listening to:definition of joy – stay with me 4 ever

i woke up to my fish (i can’t call it/him a name anymore, it would hurt way too much to keep thinking of as an identity) being very very sick. much worse looking. more fungus (white cottony stuff) on the back, and the white spots on the gills are just disgusting and rotten.

but he was alive.

jet off to the store, deal with … well, a salesperson that acted like a manager. however he did help me find what i need. got the medicine and aquiarium salt as its supposed to help (read online). put it all in.

he is slow. barely moving. sad. all the fins are clumped and stuff. he doesn’t look pretty anymore, but i don’t care, im just worried.

i’ll probably head to the store again to buy a net, and water cleaner and other stuff.

i don’t want him to die, but i’m trying to get myself used to the thought that i might come back from the computer, the shower (i need to take), the store, the kitchen, and find him dead.

if he dies i will definetly get another betta.

i’m gonna go talk to my mom cause she wants something from me, then walk shady, then shower.

send him good wishes.