spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can

date: 1074845773

mood: exhausted
listening to:rob d – furious angels

my day is so weird. im so tired.

spiderman is chasing me today. i watched a part of jumanji and the girl who is in spiderman was there and then it came on tv – the cartoon. weird.

handed in assignment, and am soo behind on another one due monday and i’m gonna have NO time to work on it tomorrow. i am SO fucked, i so shouldn’t be meeting people or going skiing or meeting more people… blah. i wanna destress, and physical activity (SUCH AS SKIING! keep your mind outta gutter here! =) ) would be great.

tomorrow i’m going to meet people for a very interesting creative portrait shoot project. thankfully its not really portraits, its more abstract. which is awesome cause i realized that i sucksucksuck with portraits.

newspaper is quiet, didn’t do anything for a while. i SHOULD stop by the office but i am SO tired… and to thikn there is a $75 check waiting for me there. i’m not lazy, i’m honestly tired.

hesi’s blogs are so filled with stress. and tiredness. and it makes me think, when we’re happy we rarely blog. when we’re upset we blog more. in 100 years, people are going to look back and don’t see anyone who was ever happy.

i’m tired and my eyes are dry and contacts hurt. i wanna have new glasses boo.

*sighs* what else…
my room is a mess. the new hat look cool. the new bag is supah useful. schedule is working out okay. i accidentally read a week ahead in language aquisition. its a great class *nodnod*.


superkev’s journals and comments are so full of peace and balance. i bet he’d be able to give me awesome advice on how to put stuff in my room, cause i want it peaceful and stuff. i have a small bowl with rocks from cuba and my camping trips. i love it. i want more bowls like that. and candles! want more candles.

and i’d kill for a hot shower … or a bath, yeaaah a bath with candles, right now, but 10am class == leaving at 9 == opening groggy eyes at 8 to be able to physically move in time to leave the house. so no shower. bathroom and bed.

i like peace. i don’t like when … stuff is sudden. extremes. im annoyed with them, and my mood is so full of them its not even funny.

so that’s my chinese new year’s wish for you , and me. balance and peace.