you spin me round

date: 1074929001

mood: exhausted – again
listening to:massive attack – buttefly caught – paul oaley remix

books read in the past week:
Michael Crichton Airframe
Michael Crichton Congo
Michael Crichton The Andromeda Strain
Michael Crichton The Great TrainRobbery
Michael Crichton Timeline
Michael Crichton Prey

wow, that’s less than it felt like. *skratches head* weird. anyway, a book/2 days is my average so far.

i forgot my id when we went to a bar tonight and we had to go alll the way back. i felt stupid. blah , 20 years old and still no trust.
the manager gave us free shots cause he screwed up the order a few times. like forgot drinks and stuff and bugged us for id twice.
i was imprssed becuase i was thinking that he realized that he screwed up the drinks (like forgot about 2 people totally, and i was one of them) and his face reflected the thought “fuck, losing costumers”
so like 5 mins later he comes with free shots for the whole table. i was … impressed.

shady is going to sleep on my bed tonight. i want comfort.

Conscious self
Overall self

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Enneagram Test Results Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||| 51% Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||| 57% Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||| 46% Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||||||||| 69% Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||| 74% Type 6 Anxiety |||||| 30% Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||| 45% Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 21% Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||| 42% Your Conscious-Surface type is 5w4
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 4w3

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i love the music that is playing. and im so sleepy.
my parents told me to stop thinking about hw and go relax. “you have huge circles under your eyes”. i was shocked. so im gonna go sleep now.