things stuck in my head

date: 1079026560

mood: happy
listening to:classical music

you know, its weird.
right now i have this tune stuck in my head. and i know that i know the name. and yet i can’t get it out. ‘tip of the tongue’ syndrome. you know you know something but you can’t get it. its amazing how complex our brains are.

i had 4 hours of sleep.

not a good idea.

then i went to school and had 1.5 hours more. which was nice.

then i had a prof meeting which was nicer. she’s very cool. very very smart.

then i went home, and on the way home i listened to 2 subway musicians (i gave them a $1! first time i gave money in like, forever) play this … melody.

ta ta DA
ta ta DA
ta ta DA ta da ti da da
ta ta DA
ta ta DA
ta ta ta ti da da daaa

anyway, its classical music and i can’t remember it.
edit: i figured out the name and while the piece doesn’t start with this rhytm its repeated fairly often throughout the piece. it was written by mozart.