so freaking clumsy!

date: 1079465900

mood: grrrrr
listening to:dune – rainbow to the stars

i was making scrambled eggs.
i put a little bow into the microwave to warm it up
on take it out after 15 seconds i proceeded to accidentally smash the bowl so hard against the edge of the microwave plate that it shattered into my scrambled eggs which were made with the last drops of milk we had.
no scrambled eggs, and no time to have a nice shower and breakfast as i needed to clean up everything. the glass shards are tiny and they are EVERYWHERE. its insane. i vacuumeed every tile with the narrowest nozzle. i wiped everything three times. i’m still paranoid. and the fucking plate is broken.

*sighs* while cleaning up i noticed how pretty much every action i do is so clumsy. i smash into stuff, i bump into stuff, i don’t stop my hand fast enough from getting something and i get another bruise. seriously, i’m 20. why the heck am i so clumsy?

i have an honest jealousy for people who can take things and look graceful like doing it.

maybe that’s why i can’t dance. i don’t have good control over my body movememnts, be those controlled or not.

i’m annoyed, pissed off and running out of time because i’m clumsy. this is not fair!