cookies, coffee

date: 1079837327

mood: very loving
listening to:dj doboy – eurojams volume 01

today went totally like not i expected.
the concert i thought i had today will be in a week.
i started doing assignment 06 in programming (gasp! 3 days early!)
i looked at a lot of clothing sites.

click shoe

i have a shoe exactly like that. like, transparentish, same form, different decoration on the thingie but the idea is like the same. $350 from saks fifth avenue – free from my closet!

click nice fashion site. not for content but for links.

just now i came back from coffee with hesi. i haven’t seen her in weeks – far too long, and haven’t spoken to her in like, forever. it was the best coffee i had in … forever, not because coffee was great but because we had such an awesome time together. i absolutely love hesi. no matter how much time passes we can still have this perfect conversation where you know what the other person means before they say it and anything is a good topic, and you can rant and share as much as you want. it was perfect! hesi i love you.

i’m really happy from that. i hope your saturday evening is as happy as mine!