
date: 1080103423

mood: relaxed
listening to:marilyn manson – i don’t like the drugs

i overreact too quickly.
i was walking home and thinking of a neat algorithm.
maybe there is osmething for me in those “com-puters”, but yeah, i just need better timing sot hat i don’t end up freaking out in the last second and not being able to get a grip on myself.

my day went so not how i expected. i have a beaaaaaaaautiful plan to finish 1.5 assignments meet prof, have lunch with dad and then go shopping in chinatown.
unfortunately things didn’t work out… anyway. point being i finished assignment 5 minutes before it was due, handed it in (CVS), ran to class (mmm showered looking pretty).

i have too many (shitty) bags. MUST have garage sale this spring and get rid of all the weird junk.
anyway, on a … hmm, weird, on a garage sale last year i got this … “wetsuit ™ 4.0” made by “silicon sports”

its a thingie like this http://i8.ebayimg.co…/i/00/b3/1b/6f_1.JPG (only flatter, all black, more like tiny suitcase, it fits on a regular sheet of paper) which is theoretically for some form of an HP laptop (has a built in metalish plate for hte keyboard). its light, compact and … i dunno i never used it as a bag but it fits 2 palms, keyboard, wallet, lipgloss, mp3player, cellphone, pen – very neately. no space left but yeah, its super neat and accessible.

its getting warmer. its awesome!