
date: 1080600598

mood: energized
listening to:tchaikovsky – swan lake – ballet suite

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that would be my noted pad. i vacuumed the keyboard. no keys lost but the metal bracket from under the space bar is gone – whooosh! i need to find an old useless keyboard and steal it’s bar.

to be honest i had much more extensive plans for tonight than “just” … 2 hours of cleaning. but i got carried away. i read that when people clean 75% of surfaces go uncleaned. so i vacuumed every surface, horizontal vertical and (well therewere almost no) diagonal ones.

windexed the floor, and all surfaces and dusted, finally hung hesi’s picture that she gave me on new years near the desk and also hung the other metal board to the right of old one.

so much stuff done! and open door to outside, loads of fresh air and tchaikovsky blasting. yay!

now i’m going to get cookies and finish my linguistics assignment! yeah!