avocado and shrimp

date: 1081966648

mood: chuffed
listening to:dire straits – walk of life

i just GOTTA share.
all the ingridents are fairly arbitrary size wise..

a handful of LARGE shrimp, deshelled/detailed, precooked but frozen (you know just from the bag). wash in hot water to get ice off.

sauce: 5 small cloves garlic, 2 tbpspoons extra virgin olive oil (!! v important that its extra virgin olive oil, substitute butter otherwise), and a tiiiny bit of butter (like … 1/3 a thin slice), a handful total of basil and parsley

cut all the sauce ingridents that can be but to tiny pieces (or … mince but i dont know how to do that)

throw butter and oil onto pan, high 30 seconds or until butter isn’t white anymore

reduce to medium, throw shrimp and sauce ingridents

for about 4-6 minutes … just let them sit.. turn over from tiem to time. its relaxing ;)

afterwards take lightly toasted bread (lightish), cover with mayo, slice tomatoes, slice avocado, add lettuce, add shrimp, add the other piece with more mayo/lettuce/whatever else you want.

i ended up eating half of it just mixing the ingridients along the way because they are SO DAMN GOOD TOGETHER.

like, amazing.

back to study. yay i started so its all good ;)