new glasses and all the following conesquences

date: 1082230175

mood: distraught, agitated
listening to:bryan adams, mel c – when you’re gone

see my new glasses here

alright. so i was studying for a few hours (amazingly i could concentrate). whoa, 2.5 hours come to check it out.

i come back, comments on glasses:

i go to google and now i feel i am an unwilling part of a community. called emo. looking over things that symbolize emo… i have the glasses, and maybe (okay, fine, usually) i am an emotional person over everything. however i don’t match on any other level! geez, i don’t listen to that music, which is a #1 thing i suppose.

but now i feel like i have to …represent. its like, this is an elite club that i have just became a part of by getting these glasses.

but then i’m scared of becoming a stereotype. i want to be a blonde blonde blonde. i guess more pink for me. coming soon to an olya near you