awwwright, mate!

date: 1094487880

mood: thrilled
listening to:italian

i’m sitting in a stone laid courtyard, with 3 floors, surrounded by brick walls. a pigeon just flew over me, j ust like in americans movies about europe. there’s grapewine on the wall behind me (i’m kidding you not), and huge doors to the right of me (like, 6 meter tall), with huge glass. the brick is peeling and its red, and the grapewine is spilling onto the ground. however, i’m sitting here, and i have wireless internet from my laptop!

life is just awesome. i just had my first real class, social psych.

we will have no lectures.

i repeat, there will not be a single lecture during this class. i will have 12 or so tutorial meetings, where we sit around a desk (10 people, and the PROFESSOR too), and we all just chat about a problem that is posed for that day’s class. then we come up with further detailed questions about the problem (it is called learning goals), and we research for the next class.

my schedule is different from week to week. this week i have no classes on wednesday, and i will have an 8:30 class on thursday.

everyone in the guesthouse speaks poor english. i have became a teacher to everyone on our floor.

my floor is now full, and it has the following people:

francesca: italian girl, became an awesome friend
french guy whos name i dont remember
jerome, another french guy
spanish girl
estonian girl
girl from kosovo

okay, 3 italian girls (2 of them i know, not from our building, but friends of francesca), are standing in front of me talking really fast italian. aah, it is awesome, they talk with such expression, and they are discussing classes with SUCH emotion and SUCH hand gestures!

okay, back to list.

julien, french guy
switzerland guy
dutch guy
ireland guy

i THINK that’s it. obviously im having a hard time with names, but i’ll get the hang of it.

on thursday – sunday i went to paris, where i have spent a most fantastic 4 days. (more like 3 with the travel). i met skoey, AKA luke, who was absolutely awesome, and helped me get around and not die of starvation by speaking french whenever i got lost in their nouns. i speak french far better than a week ago, i keep practising both on our floor, as well as i did in paris (sometimes, he speaks excellent english).

i’ve seen the eiffel tower, champs d’elysees, arc de triumph, orsay, louvre (i liked orsay more, but i was lucky, i went to louvre at 9am on friday morning, it was absolutely empty!)

anyway, paris is a seperate story, i will post a bit later, in a seperate entry.

i’m going to run email stuff to people. to be honest, i miss individual people, and i miss my dog, but life became so much more exciting and … different, that i’m all in the experience right now. i dont think i have had such fun/time concentration ever before in my life.

until tomorrow cause i FINALLY have internet from laptop! wooo!

tell me what you wanna hear/see here.