photos, first week

date: 1094658321

listening to:hackers – eyes, lips, body

i read over my entries. i feel tired just thinking about doing the arrival here again! hehe

thank you all for the comments ;)

i made eggs today for the floor. i’m officially the breakfast queen of the floor, everyone loves the omelets i make with eggs (simple, but for them its good).

going out last night wasn’t nearly as fun as it was expected, the money could have been better spent. however spending time with people was fun, so we came home at 4 am, drank tea and went to sleep.

woke up at 11, biked to the store, bought some basic stuff for myself and 3 boxes of eggs (one for me, one for simon who borrowed me some eggs yesterday, and one for the whole floor for this morning). came home, made eggs, let other people wash the dishes for once ;) cause i did all the shopping and the cooking (stole someone’s tomatoe but its okay).

today’s eggs were potatoes (leftover from last night’s dinner, i just fried them), bacon, eggs with tomatoes and onion.

people loved it. it feels awesome to make food that like 6 people finish their plates to the last crumb and ask for more.

i hope all my good habits will stay with me when i get home. i bike 40 minutes each day, i wash dishes at least twice a day, i cook for myself and for others… study thing i’m not that well with, considering that’s what i’m supposed to be doing now =p

tonight, no plans, just going to study here for anohter 2 hours and then go home.

pics are posted, i still have to take photos of my floormates, i’ll upload them as soon as i get them.

oh cool thing, last night’s party was in a church. we were dancing underneath a huge cross with a rock band playing in front of it, with statues of religious figures on the walls. fscking weird, like a movie.

*goes to read social psych*