the internet mocks me

about a month ago i spied a garage sale on the street parallel to my parents’ house. my mom, my dog and i stopped by to see whats what. among the hockey memorabilia there was a table.

it looked like this one:

and cost $100. (and he said he’s willing to bargain).

i had no space for it; mom didn’t like it. we left, me with a pained heart.

in that month, after never having seen that table before, i started seeing it everywhere. (and it is unlikely a selective attention as i really do obsess over the wire-frame designed furniture more than i should.)

first there was this.

after about 20 other occurrences, i research our new chairs (tempted to ebay more… sidenote: i can possibly ebay some chairs for around $250 that would cost $1.5-$700 new. i am sad.)
another view of the bertoias side view of side chair bertoias.

and find this link. i’m not sure it works for you; but for me the single, lonely recommendation is that freaking table.

which wouldn’t have fit anyway.


6 thoughts on “the internet mocks me”

  1. Man i bet that if you sit in those chairs for a while, the back of your legs end up looking like a battleship board!

    It’s kinda cool though, like an indoor patio :P


  2. cat is due to long exposure (1/6) plus flash. to get the nice light.

    and the chairs are really good! for some reason no battleship backsides. really-really. (there’s a reason they cost $500 new, as opposed to $15 for the regular wire lawn chair).

  3. YEAH right!
    i watched that movie like a bajillion times.

    “roads? where we’re going… we don’t need roads!”

  4. I am loving the chairs and the new stuff you have in your pad…next time I come over, I might just sneak one chair out with me…whoops. Haha.

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