need name for a blog

i want to make a new blog under my domain that catalogues the cheap alternatives to fancy furniture. because i’m spending all this time doing it anyway. given the easy confusion that arose, i want a cool name – and i have no ideas!

aaand go. :P

6 thoughts on “need name for a blog”

  1. Cheaper by design.
    I Fancy Cheaper
    Same shit, but cheaper.
    Your ass won’t tell the difference, but your pockets will.
    Cool furniture, cooler prices
    Smarter buys

    Then again….I don’t see anything wrong with “cheap finds” like you’ve been naming them. A little clarification should get rid of all confusion. That or some simple design changes, like color coding, etc.

  2. Les cheap finds d’Olya (waaa, a la french, how cool and sophisticated :P)
    or yeah, as Diny put it, Cheap-ass fancy shit.

  3. Gotta tell ya, Luke’s a great one, too. “Les Cheap Finds d’Olya-chan KEKEKE” would be the absolute bomb.

  4. You know a URL like that would get……….an ASSload of traffic!

    I think the ass statement would be more like a tagline than the title.

    Cheap furniture for make benefit your glorious crib? Blah too long

    Cheap finds would be a nice url, though.

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