an interesting quote

It is said that we are all three different people: the person we think we are (the one we have invented), the person other people think we are (the impression we make) and the person we think other people think we are (the one we fret about).


4 thoughts on “an interesting quote”

  1. I started reading it this morning and was quickly hit by a wave of animosity. I thought the guy was quoting way too damn much and compiling a bunch of clever quotes that could simply add up to “dress accordingly.”

    I have this thing where I don’t like to use quotes that much. I think it means that the person decides to quote someone else instead of saying something original, so they simply become an echo. Not something I look forward in a piece like that, be it review, editorial, or much of anything else.

    Now I tried to read it again in a cooler mood. I got that animosity again until he started talking about letters and handwriting, then I started to ignore the heavy quoting and actually relating and agreeing to what he was saying. Especially now that there’s email, letters are very rare. Especially handwritten ones.

    But then I think he was walking a very thin line that separated “impression” with “showing off.” Good thing that was the end of the article :P

  2. i think the article was MEANT to show HOW you force people to take notice of you.

    personally, i like quotes… although if you notice, he makes fun of most of the things he says quite heavily. including quoting!

  3. I also like quotes, because they often make you think of stuff you havent, or just make you see things from a different point of view.

    But yea the way this guy used them, it struck me as if he was using them to get credibility, as in “I think this…..but hey this other person said it, too! So I must be right.”

  4. we are who we are, and that is the truth. what we think we are, or other people think we are, or what we think others think we are… those are just theories. :)

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