thursday schedule – post

let it be said thursday was freaking crazy. 15kms biked anyone?

9am: got up
9:45am: first errand ran
10:15am: biked to adelaide & young, tried to pick up business cards – that didn’t work as they weren’t ready
10:45: biked to vistek, rented lenses and no flash due to them being out. (105mm macro and 17-55/2.8 omg i want them both.)
11:40: back in the house, business cards will pick up from dad @5
12: after a fast salad biked to subway
1pm: at finch, waiting to pick up camera
1:30: picked up camera
2:20: back in the house
3:40: outfit to wear picked out (how did time fly so fast in this period, i dont know), left to buy batteries
4:10: at class, with batteries bought
5:20: met dad, got (wicked) business cards
5:40: back at home, starting to pack
7pm: after another coffee, everything packed, taxi in the front – leaving to event
1am: back at home, via cab (thank goodness), with a sore neck from 2 cameras and 4 lenses.

discoveries of the day:

  • i’m about 1 foot shorter than a photographer should be. out of everyone on the press stage i had the most difficult time getting OVER people’s heads. argh.
  • equipment is freaking heavy. i had big swollen painful spots on my neck from straps for 2 days later. now its not swollen but still hurts.
  • good batteries REALLY pay off – i only used 1 set for everything (camera, my own flash)
  • i want 105mm macro so badly. SUCH a GREAT lens. same as 17-55… i hate my kit lens.
  • shooting such events is a surprising amount of fun – all access didn’t hurt.

fashion canada INDEED rocks!