last day of november

are you excited?
december is here! in 3 hours! end of the year – the presents which cost way too much and are way too hard to find, the endless crowds, the sleet and cold… wait a second.

lets try this again.

december is here, with many holidays, my last first semester, my 23rd birthday (its like the first digit plus one!), 2007 (its like the first digit times 3 plus one! and 3 appears in my birthday! and next year i’m 24 and the year is 2008 – can’t you just SEE the mathematic probabilities?) – a new year for many joyful new beginnings. like, work. blah or, photography! yay!

this also means exam season is upon us. *groan* i love school, i just hate the studying. :P

8 thoughts on “last day of november”

  1. Exam season upon “us?” Lets see…

    HEsi….gratuated..from like 6 jobs already.
    Scarf…..finally passed 6th grade.
    Kevin….school wasnt invented yet in his time.

    As for numbers…..heh with that numerology, you could make a few bucks.

    “So yea how old are you?”
    “I’m 45”
    “ahhhh 45….and its 2007…..ZOMG ITS SO CLEAR!
    45 adds up to 9…..and 2007 adds up to 9 also! So 9! 9 is also NO in German!
    “But no to what?”
    “well……do you have any plans coming up?”
    “not really..”
    “so NO! or 9!! This is life telling you to change the no to a yes by setting up 9 goals for 2007.”
    “…okay. So what should my first one be?”
    “well it should really be how not to be a gullible sheep. But before you start, pay me 99 dollars!”

  2. man, with you the glass is never half full or half empty
    it’s like… *gasp* there is no glass! :P

    erm, hi
    but yeaaaaaa, stuffs and thingies are coming up
    yay :)

  3. crap, i am the only one


    wait, TIM IS WITH ME
    ha losers!


    and losers in numbers is: 105395
    and if you add them its 23.


  4. Actually…..not to look too much into it……

    but you posted on December 1st, 2006 at 10:42 pm. So thats 42, 10, 6, 2, and 1.


    42 – 10 = 32
    32 – 6= 26
    26 – 2 = 24
    24 – 1 = 23

    I r winnar @ n00merologee!!!!11 ^_____^

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