junk comments

due to me noticing spamming on my older entries, we can’t talk about “poker room”, “russian dating”, or “car loan” in the comments, or they’ll be held up for moderation.

just warning ya’ll.

6 thoughts on “junk comments”

  1. Ah shit the math is flooding the blogth!

    I wonder if they have plugins with trick questions. Or at least more complicated math, because I think it’d be kick ass to do a 3-line quadratic equation whenever I want to reply to a blog. 5+0 is just no fun.

  2. can you at least make all answers result in a number made from adjacent digits, like 12 or 43 or 55, so that i dont have to move too much.

    and i installed some sort of akismet thingie that supposedly analyzes other spam comments and self-updates. been working well for me so far. http://akismet.com/

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