yay i’m healing

date: 1083913950

mood: http://www.parlux.com/notes-opac-w.htm
listening to:

okay so its fairly late but i FEEL that i’m getting better. today was so bad – i woke up totally hurting from the teeth and most of the day (up until 8pm or so) i felt like … Shit. you know. so bad, coudln’t get up, could barely move, weak etc.

anyway, around 8 i got some energy, then around 11 i felt like dying again (relaly really bad wave of feeling horrible) and around 1 i felt starving.

went upstairs to make scrambled eggs but all was asleep, so i was like … “nah, i’m not gonna put the effort into it now” i stole this pudding like thing my mom made for me. it came in perfectly useful for the moment – no effort and its sweet and non-chew-required-ab le.

anyway, i feel better. and i foud this perfume that makes me Happy. it was just lying on the kitchen counter and i totally love the smell. i wanna get it! and its the first perfume that makes me feel that way.

exceeept… no clue where to find it!

anyway, i’m done and out. i feel less painful yay!