
date: 1072831357

mood: right now? very happy.
listening to:pet shop boys – its a sin

holy batman moodswings!

okay so i lost the shirt i bought to wear for the holidays (really really pretty, hesi can/will attest to that, its black and tube top and has a netted/pink stripe at the top with two sheer strips of material at the side).

now im going to carefully ignore ALL messages that people are sending me because i’m so easily upset, its horrible.

okay, so i found the shirt.
then i found a little cute thing i’ll give my mom today (its the softest cutest smallest teddy bear that she’ll love)

then i made my hair look pretty despite the amazing resistance that it put up. seriously, on other days my hair is the bestest thing ever, and today it just hates me!

then i made myself look pretty. mmm, body lotion. smells so nice.

then i made my hair look pretty AGAIN because its not cooperating.

then i went and cleaned my bathroom cause it has to look nice cause it doubles as guest bathroom and then i cleaned all/most of the junk off my room’s surfaces… i know im getting baskets from ikea for my birthday so all the mess is ready to be organized.

and then i went here and typed this message before i managed to get upset!

i mean, wow, im moodswingy.

ohohohohoh and a friend of mine found a pet that was lost so that really honestly made my day ultra better. yay stalker!!