waking up systems

date: 1075127545

mood: needing contact lens solution
listening to:edge102 commercial/people talking, aaand my palm alarm blaring

i stayed up until ~5am doing my cs assignment last night. putting things to last minute – tsk tsk.

anyway, its done… it works. today in school i’ll edit comments, and be done.

since i have a morning class i gotta go to i tried to make a system of alarms that’d wake me up.

first the quietest one but the one that will keep going. my palm. closest to bed.

then the cellphone, like 20 minutes later

and then the radio, like 10 minutes later (its like 9:00 am at this point… by my time, more or less), on a volume that’s reasonably loud but listanble.

so i can drift off and i know i’ll get waken up by the two small intermitted alarms (cell/palm), and i can continuously hear the radio and not worry about totally drifting off.

it worked well! im dead tired but i’m up. going to drink tea and eat breakfast and go to school. -14, snowing, and i cant figure out what shoud i wear. *looks* aaww damn, its -24 with windchill, so its freezing. blaaaaaaaaaaaaah, so tired of freezing.

*yaaaaaaaaaaaawns* good morning people.