tuesday, second day of classes

date: 1094573945

listening to:

like, man, i never get time when i want it.
thank ya’ll for the comments! :D i figured people will be overwhelemed by the postage, so its cool if you can’t read it all.
i was writing an entry and before i even could start, peter (american guy, from a fairly good family, has apartment here an on the coast of the ocean in belgium, american girlfriend, they’re going to italy in november) sat down and we spent an hour talking about paris, rome, belgium travel, and he invited me to go with him and a bunch of other people to london (i’ll so go, free stay, i’ll just pay for food, and help cook, plus it’ll be fun to go with teenagers – no offence to parents ;)), and then said that i can go with him to belgium, cause his parents have a seperate room to stay in, so this weekend i might see brussels, and brugges and ocean, and stuff!!)

aanyway after that i had my chinese “interview”, but not really cause i dont speak chinese.

i had my philosophy course today, which was awesome fun, its very very very cool and mind bending. i can upload the niestzhe paper that we had to read, its actually quite easy reading and a lot of fun to read.

anyway, i gotta run home. i’m starving, i wanna take a shower, then eat, then peter, me, francesca, another girl, are going out to this thing where people figure out how to travel together to save money. and THEN there’s the 7 sins party, so it’ll be a night out! woohoo!

love you all! i’ll upload pics tomorrow, no classes :D