the world is my home

date: 1102785466

mood: everything at once
listening to:mylene farmer – regrets

ah, 3 weeks, no update.
many things happened. i hurt my back, and the injury got aggravated due to the walking in rome.

how to summarize 3 weeks?

they fly by too fast.

i took photographs. i went to classes. i went to luxembourg. i went to the doctor. i went out. i stayed home. i made vareniki. i went shopping. i went skating. i went to a movie. and i took photographs.

i programmed, or tried to. i talked to people, or tried to. :)

i’m feeling an immense feeling of nostalgia right now, for the 4 months that seemed to fly by. some things seem like they happened just yesterday, and some things feel like years ago. all in all, this definetly was much, much more than i could have possibly expected in the beginning.

ah, well, screw sadness. exciting stuff?

after tuesday evening i am free for a whole week. expect to have a lot of partying.
next friday will be bruges for the whole day, i hope. and germany…

i keep notes for the past 3 weeks, but they are so point form. its more important to me to spend the last time with the people here (or at least study for my language exams) than to sit at my computer. as such, i shall go! :)

things left:
saturday eve: study french until done, then highlander for a beer
sunday: chinese/programming/ library for art class
monday: chinese/programming
tuesday: last meeting, then french exam (yikes)
wednesday: art class on photography!, then roadtrip anywhere
thursday: road trip anywhere
friday: art class, road trip to bruges, then 5th floor final dinner
saturday: my “birthday” aka an excuse to invite lotsa people to 5th floor and have a party
sunday: party/road trip
monday: road trip/party until wee hours of tuesday…

i guess i’m not that poorly off. at least i have thursday/sunday to have full day roadtrips!

i also should send the 2nd package home soon, and check that i can take my luggage normally.

i can’t believe how great this experience was. never expected anything like this to happen. so many friends made… spain, switzerland, france, italy, scotland, estonia.

but soon – canada!