the weekend of foreign visitors

date: 1100699159

mood: in pain. tired. happy. missing home.
listening to:construction workers

i am so long overdue for an update, that i feel highly guilty.

well, not guilty, just bad since time is flying past so, so, fast. it feels like just yesterday the november was in the single digits…

internet from my room has weakened to the point where i am not sure when i can get it anymore, which is quite a shame. however, tom and jerome got new laptops this weekend, whose wireless reception is much much better than mine. they can catch stuff, so there’s hope for me yet.

lets see… last 5 days.

last post was on thursday.

friday! morning class. i dressed nice! even though it is cold, i still wore my “french” skirt – anyway, it’s called that now because it has been deemed french by julien when he first saw it (way back in september), as well as a hong kong girl who met me after french class and thought i am french (seriously, would i be taking french?). it was nice though.

friday.. well, i remember it being fairly quiet. we went out, but just to highlander, for a few hours. not everyone went. i THINK there was a sangria party, but i also think i was tired that evening so i stayed in my room reading before going out. anyway, friday is inconsequential (although going to highlander is becoming more and more fun, its really like our own place).

saturday is the day i really want to remember! saturday morning was boring, with me waking up far too late, again. the whole day was wildly unproductive, with nearly nothing getting done in any of my courses. i think i cleaned up my room, which is nice – i enjoy being there now, it is cozy and cute, and feels like my own. later in the evening, julien’s three friends from paris came over – well, they were over for the whole weekend, however they spent the time before travelling.

the three guys, whose names i was obviously unable to remember after seeing most of them for the first time in my life (one of them we met in paris, when we went there), lets call ’em paris guy (the one we met, curly haired, has a girlfriend), short haired (tall, shorthaired, very french), and guitarist (curly hair, plays the guitar, is in engineering!). all three of them very nice, friendly, considering they lived on our floor for 3 days, its nice. friday they went out independently with julien.

so, yes, saturday. ate dinner, took shower, successfully missed going out to play pool, but no big loss. went out around 12 to highlander with chris, simon, myself and patricia. there we met sandra and noyla (who went to cologne that day, due to a supposed parade happening there, however as it turned out there was no parade, it was cold, and they were very tired. they tried to persuade other people to go but i successfully resisted their charms! i think for the best; but i do want to go there before i leave europe), julien + 3 friends, francesca, nicolas and aphrodita, and jerome. conspiciously absent: thomas (paris, vising parents), david (out with his friends from eindohven – he came back right as we left, but he was dead tired and didn’t want to go), aaaand that’s all. so, LOTS of people.

ah, yes. fast forward 2 fantastic hours later, a few beers, an AWESOME conversation with kris (that’s how you spell his name! kristian. i keep forgetting!) about russian culture (about guy/girl relationships in russia, sexual “harassment”, general attitudes between the sexes, and general social behavior among those who lived there and live there), and then i grilled him about norwegian society and culture (so. interesting. honestly, its aewsome fun to ask people about their countries and all. with the right questions you can get some awesome information! and personal too!), we finally packed up and went to meta – everyone except jerome who only listens to reggae.

this saturday night was seriously one of the greatest times i went out. i mean, the first time i really danced was great also, but this time it was the same only with more people! everyone were dancing, every single person, and we stayed out until 5:30 am. highlight of the evening: dancing to “i will survive” with this remix version, which had a chorus going in the end “naaana na na na na na, na na na naa na na na na na na” in this melody … erm, yeah, text is superb for transferring the melody names. so to this kinda russian chorus sounding melody we formed a looong cancan like line and we all were throwing our legs up in the air. so a chain of like 10 people, after 2 hours of dancing and 2 hours of bar hopping (we also stopped by the … place that’s decorated with faeries, has neat lighting, and a lot of gaming machines, can’t remember the name). hehehe, it was fantastic. just awesome.

anyway, so we arrived home at 5:30 – that would be me and chris. everyone else – 8 people! – fit into julien’s car and went that way. sandra took my bike (tom’s bike while he’s gone, actually), so i guess we were 11 people total.

upon arrival home, we stayed up until 8:30 (8:30! saw the sunrise! argh, pics are at home). i showed my photographs, people were impressed. it brings such joy to me! the guitarist was in shock “what are you doing studying computer science, do photography!”. he says he works with designers/art designers, and my stuff is better than theirs. w00tw00t. gives me nothing but pride, but that’s also good.

so, yeah. we were drinking french absenth with tea (made on top of the electic plate in a pot, our kettle is broken for like 2 weeks now). francesca made risotto, and they ate at 7 am. nuts!

at 8:30 i went to sleep. woke up at 12:30, woke up chris (who REALLY didn’t feel like getting up, but we arranged the night before to force eachother to wake up), went to the library around 2-3. library: studied chinese, in the sense that i translated a chinese text that i had to. like 6 sentences took me 1.5 hours! aaay! *sigh* i apparently need cantonese and not mandarin in order to speak chinese in downtown toronto, so its completely useless anyway. at least the characters will hopefully come in use!

after library, came home, had a shower, dinner, finished chinese, did some programming. pretty uneventful day.

monday: woke up too late, programmed some, went to chinese.
tuesday: woke up too early, met professor, had a great meeting with him, came home, went shopping for food with tom (yay for aldi + car). came home, prepared for french.

borrowed tom’s bike to go to french.

this is where my luck failed me.

after about 5 minutes on the bike, before even reaching the first interesection (however leaving the parking lot), something happened, the back wheel of the bike locked, and i flew on the ground.

first thought: “i don’t have my laptop with me. PHEW”

next thought: “OW”

big big shock. i fell hard. on my legs, arms, and worst of all, my back, which still hurts. i don’t think its serious, just probably a bruise. but its NOT nice.

what happened is that somehow the brake cable got tangled around the backwheel and thus locked it after spinning around it.

i limped home, kinda carrying the bike. obviously didn’t go to french, which sucks, cause this would make it a 3rd miss and thus i’ll either fail or have to do an extra assignment. i think she will understand though…

anyway. so last night i was in bed for the whole evening, no moving, everything hurts, a complete shock for the first hour.

today, morning, wednesday, 8:30 class, walked to school (ouch). almost fell asleep too many times during lecture. tutorial was okay.

it sucks; lectures are interesting but are toooo damn early.

anyway… typed this long entry to keep up to date.

coming home, helping tom with his paper, helping julien with his paper, helping noyla with her papers (she speaks english very poorly. i’m the only one not getting annoyed, so i help her out a lot. well, i think same goes for chris.). reading my readers for tomorrow’s art group meeting (blah, presentation on friday). possibly cooking very very tasty stuff in order to use supplies before rome.

and, yes!. just 2 more days until rome.

*adds 2 and 2*

shoot. and i had the fantastic luck to hurt myself to the point where walking is NOT fun. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, i hope i’ll get better soon!

quote of the week, from early morning (tuesday) advertising:
“and remember everyone, there is nothing more powerful than the statement the woman makes with her hair!”
– toni pony creator.