september 9th, evening

date: 1094830390

listening to:

ah, so to save myself energy i am going back to typing my diary entries before sleep, that is when i am not dead tired.

after typing that entry and starting to talk to my parents via email and hesi via icq, peter plus julia (sweet, i remembered her name from the first try!! never met her before) stopped by. i was sitting outside with the laptop (you need the student card to enter and *exit* the building, mine doesn’t work for either, so i left when someone else was leaving as well), but they were leaving, and therefore i interrupted my conversations to figure out with them whats happening tonight.

we walked back to the bike stand, through the small courtyard and grass hill (by hill i mean a 4 square meter piece of ground with some soft green grass on it where students hang out when the courtyard is full), down the tiny paved roads. peter has spoken of an even that the student organization of the UCM is organizing for tonight: free entrance and free beer for UCM students.

considering i got my cellphone, i have taken his number and told him that i will sms him regarding my plans and the plans of my floormates. afterthat i biked home, as it was 8:10, dinner at 8:30 (we all jokingly call francesca mama, because she is so protective of the dinner time and her prerogative to cook), i had to get home.

biking home was as always nice and sad at the same time. it is odd, when i come home in the evenings after hanging out online, i always end up going around sunset time, so the sky and surrounding areas are fantastic (especially with the clear weather that we had for the past week!), but since i have just spoken to my friends and parents in canada i feel a bit nostalgic.

is nostalgic even the right word, considering im returning in about 3.5 months? hmmm.

anyway, came home, kinda didn’t help make dinner at all, cleaned up my room very nicely instead. after dinner i got a *horrendous* headache (probably from the bad spanish wine we had… nothing better than french wine, especially if you are living with 3 french people, so remember that!), and just really felt like reading something and not being with people. i gave francesca my phone so that she can activate it and sms her parents that she’s alright, went into my room and began reading my philosophy papers for tomorrow.

i am not sure for how long i was doing that, i took off my watch, so these events happened at some point from 9pm-1:30am.

francesca and thomas came in, took some photos with francesca’s film camera, then thomas brought his canon (cute camera), and i copied photographs from his camera onto my laptop.

before dinner i attempted to take photographs of some people but none of them really wanted to be shot, so i didn’t press it. however thomas’s photographs display life here fairly well:
(modified, link inserted. see it doesnt load for me, but it should load for you. let me know)

read the comments for explanations.

anywaaay, after all that i finished reading my philosophy (i have one paper left to read, considering i had 8, i think that’s pretty not bad), i went to the living room/juliens room where we all intermedeately hung out. julien and i spent some time talking about the difficulties that he has with english, and i can see how painful it is for him to not to be able to full express his thoughts. its like… when i was in paris i kept wanting to use verbs other than faire, avoir, penser, but i always had to, to explain to luke where i think we should go, type of thing. anyway, it pained me to be so limited, and i can see how it hurts him. i offered my most sincere help with any english difficulties that he might have, i think i have gotten through to him that he can ask him any questions.

it is freaky to realize that beside the irish guy (david) (he’s scottish actually), i speak english the best. and all of them are just kinda used to asking me now. feels nice, but seriously, lets face it, i’m not the best resource for good english. blah!

anyway, after that jerome and thomas and francesca and simon joined the conversation, but it got crowded and they all have early class tomorrow (mine is at 1, w00t), so we all went to sleep, and that’s when i typed this entry.

my attempts to contact family/friends through sms did not succeed. i wonder whether i am doing something wrong, or what.

i feel like i’m going to fall asleep in the chair, so i shall fall into bed (in a room this size it is literally falling into bed, hehe. seriousl though, i expected the room to be way tinier, it feels very spacious and nice.)