september 16, thursday

date: 1095428672

listening to:

after sitting online and enjoying fantastic time wasiting for most of my morning (and your night), my internet had very suddenly died. as in, my laptop seen the wireless connection but couldn’t connect. since i’ve been online for about 4 hours at this point, i decided it is a sign to go and do something productive.

peter’s classes ended, and i asked him if he knows where the nearest “shoppers drugs mart” type shop is. not in those words, of course, but i just explained what i needed (kleenex, conditioner, sponge).

we boarded our bikes, and went inside the net of shops that surrounds vrighthoff (i will never learn how to spell that word). he pointed me to two shops, said which one is better, and went off to do his things.

i went shopping for various supplies, got kleenex (2 for 1, yay), and such. reasonable prices, reasonable selection – they have my dove conditioner, BUT its like, different packaging and stuff. i got it anyway.

biked home, met julien on the way, very close to the house, walked with him for the rest of the way. there are a lot of tiny, annoying flies that go in large quantities. it is annoying.

after coming home decided to make oladushki, since i have all the ingridients. it was fun – the taste came out fantastic, which is great, cause that means i now can continue preparing them, but i really messed up the shape. no big deal, i will try again, and people that tasted (simon, david, thomas, julien) said they’re good.

during the day the floor is very quiet. most people are either asleep, in classes, or both ;) actually, you can’t sleep in classes here. they are too small.

after making oladushki, i watched some tv, minorly cleaned up around the place, went into my room, looked at photographs, but unfortunately did nothing productive. francesca came home, it was around 6 at this point, and due to lack of sleep the night before, i felt very tired, so i just went into my room and fell asleep.

woke up around 9, from lotsa noise from cooking preparations for dinner. helped out a bit, then went to take a shower (conditioner is okay, much more milky than the one in canada, but it still feels fine), dried hair, went to dinner. again pretty much everyone gathered around the table, we were watching miss italia (again), and just generally talking. a few people said my hair looks good! i’ll attribute that to the conditioner. :D

after dinner, some people made plans to go out. at this point it all became very confusing, i thought thomas and julien and francesca and myself will all go, so i went downstairs with thomas and julien, BUT i then realized that francesca isn’t going, so i stayed home.

good thing too! the evening was spent playing the guitar, first in francesca’s room, then in the dining room, then on the balcony, then in the dining room again. we all stayed up until around 1, playing old songs (and some new ones). funny thing, to hear english rock songs sang with a french accent. i don’t know WHY its funny, it just is. kinda, paradoxical.

PHOTOSPHOTOSPHOTOS of the guitar playing

as we sit in francsca’s room: chris comes in:

“papa became an uncle!” (papa is our joking name for him cause he is always mock arguing with francesca using this horrible italian accent)

his sister had a baby! last night! a 4kg boy! like, geez!

i forgot to link in the last entry:

more photos of floormates

around 1-2 we all went to sleep. i set alarms for tomorrow, tried to come up with a new design for my blog, was wildly unsuccessful, as i can’t stay within the set limits of modblog.

i really should just move back to b2 (php blog) on my own site. buuut then i have to figure out how to convert the database from modblog to b2 and install b2 and blah, so much internet time that i don’t have. buuut i’d have a pretty design. i don’t know.

fell asleep, woke up at 10 (set alarms for 9). studied for a while, then had spaghetti with julien for lunch, studied for a bit more (for today’s class, philosophy, i had to finish reading which i started a whiiile ago). i prepared the ingridients (the mix and the apples) for oladushki, and ALMOST started making them (heated the pan) but the lady who cleans the floor came in.

maan, she is … mean. like, she doesn’t talk. and she doesn’t answer. to ANYTHING. i told her i cleaned the kitchen (yeah, i spent like 20 minutes cleaning the kitchen, i got annoyed that we always have dishes next to the sink, dirty and/or clean, so i washed everything, waited until it dried and put everything away, and then washed all the surfaces so that it was clean AND i cleaned the oven, before she even came there, and i know she “cleans” it – runs a wet cloth over it :| ) , and like, no reply, no acknowledgment – not even like a nod, i’m not even mentioning a word. maybe she is mute? deaf? i dont know.

anyway, it is 1:07, my class is at 1:30, so i will leave … now. and oladushki will have to happen when i’m back. :| i wanted them damnit.

plan for the rest of the day: it is FRIDAY. so tonight probably we go out or something.

tomorrow morning at 7 we are leaving to amsterdam. and then – i have no clue. we’ll go see the van gogh museum, and maybe anne frank house, but i dont know what else we’ll do. i’m quite content with just going there, seeing the canals, and all that. so i don’t think it’ll be a problem to figure out what we want to do.

sunday, the tentative plan is to go outside of amsterdam to one of the neighbouring cities, like delft (where the classical blue/white china painting is done) or another city, more famous for its cheese. we’ll see!

monday i have no class, except chinese late in the evening. for which i have not prepared at all. ouchouchouch.

that is all. i shall keep you, as usual, posted. :)