nin hao! or, monday, september 14.

date: 1095176962

mood: horrible headache
listening to:

allright, time to write the blog.

first off, i have a killer headache, and i didn’t have time from last night to write anything. soo, this might be a bit convulated.

okay, so we left off on sunday evening.

monday morning, i woke up around 11, made toaste with milk and the last egg left, for myself and simon (who donated the egg and some bread). drank tea, ate that, then went shopping to the cheaper supermarket with simon and mirjam.
milk, juice (some new kind), SOURCREAMYAYFORCOOKING, apricot jam, eggs, bread (shared price and content 50-50 with mirjam), 2 packs of spaghetti (it was 15 cents, and its not like it’ll be a problem to have spaghetti twice over the next 4 months :) ), TOMATOES (YAY). i think that’s it.

anyway, after coming back, i did some reading, and just plain time wasting (tv, chatting, stealing other people’s chicken nuggets – not that they were good, mind you). then i went to univ, around 3 (an hour later than i thought). checked prices for hostels in amsterdam.

next weekend i’m going to amsterdam, with simon, thomas, and jerome. mirjam and her friend possibly will join us as well (likely). francesca can’t go, so can’t other people, but we’ll see, its not like we’re setting the plans in stone.

after that checked emails, quickly replied to some, ran to class. had 2 hour class of social psych – god, i love that class, so much fun. then an hour break, then 2 hour class of chinese.

maan, the prof is funnie.

we learned how to pronounce the 4 basic vowel sounds in mandarin, and how to draw some basic characters. one of the characters is horse (pictured on the left). he was walking around the class, looking over the shoulder and telling us what was wrong:

“that’s a might thin horse you’ve got there, olya”

at the end of the class, i asked him something:

“shut up olya or you have to write nin hao 1000 times!” and then he smiles. he seriously didn’t sound like he meant it in a bad way, more like a joke. but the rest of us just went and looked at eachother like, “WTH”.

also. he shows us how to write some character. difficult.

from the classroom: “oh god…”

him: “nono, not god. just me. who am i? i am teacher. got it? yes. good.”

at this point i just looked across the room and found someone else giving me the same “caught in the headlight sof a car” look. seriously. funny, but.. yeah. he is also very unorganized, but its still fun.

what i learned: nin hao (hello, polite version, pictured on the right), ni hao (normal version). other stuff. i have like 33 characters to memorize for next week. but it sounds sooooooo weird to hear myself speaking chinese! because, the prounciation is so distinctive, that its just… instantly recognizable as chinese. fun!

after that i biked home. it was dark, cold, 9pm, and it was raining. needless to say i think i caught a mild cold from that.

the rest of the evening was shitty. i had a rotten mood, i felt sick, and life just sucked (as it does sometimes). some people went out, i stayed in, did some of the reading for tuesday’s class (philosophy).

went to sleep at 2.

tuesday, woke up at 8, ate musli with milk, made a cup of green tea, studied more philosophy (i didnt finish the reading the night before). at 10:20, i finished reading, biked to school, sat online for a bit, just relaxing, then i had my lecture at 11.

tried to not fall asleep. the classrooms are tiny, 5 people today were in class, we are all sitting around the table, and i want to sleep. it really, really, suck. diny, i took a photo of the room for you, i’ll upload later.

more photos

there. its not mine, just uploaded from thomas’ camera last night, but still, fun for you to see.

uhm… after class (ended at 3:30), i wasted time (YAY FOR RELAX AND TIME WASTE) online until 5:20, when i decided i need to do the blog. so, here i am, 5:40, i’m done.

next: check if anyone replied to my emails, if not, go home. rest, eat, relax. no classes tomorrow, w00t!