my happiness spins clockwise

date: 1076229175

mood: content
listening to:u96 – love sees no color

i had such a nice day.i slept until i woke up by myself. i cleaned a little. i did nothing a little. i figured out part one of my java assignment. didn’t finish it but i understood it and am on my way on being done. i did more nothing, walked my dog, drank coffee and generally had an amazingly happy nice night.

happy fun land.

my dog is adorable.

i want to be cute and cool like her.

spinning my happiness in a circle makes me a happy, content girl.

i have a clip thingie with a girl and a dog made out of wire. my dad has one of a programmer with glasses and my mom has one of a woman on a bike. they got them … somewhere. they are all similarly styled. and near our computers.

mine is holding up my todo list.

and for the first time in a while it stopped freaking me out.

because my happiness spins clockwise.