last exam tomorrow

date: 1083651992

listening to:malcolm mclaren – about her, from kill bill 2

i wonder if i’m prepared.
my days have been so mundane the past few days. with the slight interruptions for conversation with people other than [5 people who i always talk to], i studied, and ate. and slept. and that’s it.
it feels like im vegetating to a reading/eating/drinking/sleeping/studying/memorizing/reciting machine. very depressing.

i got new pretty shoes when i went with hesi this saturday for a clear-mind break. i need relaxation.

instead, i’m getting my wisdom teeth out, the day after tomorrow. tomorrow, evening, exam and wed may 5th 9am i have a wisdom teeth operation.


tell me wisdom teeth UNhorror stories. or horror stories if you’re someone whom i know. cause i’m freakin’ out man! i didn’t have ANY operations… like … none since a simple one at the age of 4.

my textbook used the word probe. tee-hee. that’s all. first coherent entry in a while.