languages. wo3 dong3!

date: 1102970292

listening to:

monday was spent in study of chinese, slacking off from study of chinese, and for about 1/2 hour helping julien prepare his paper for submition (setting fonts, formatting, explaining how to do foot notes). and eating, a few times.

but the highlight of the day is of course my chinese exam. yes, i had it tonight.

the written part was EASY. i easily gotten 80% on it, i believe. at very least 70, likely 95 (only one 2 mark question out of 50 points that i didnt know! and it was an unfair one too, he said we dont need to remember city name’s characters, and it was a city name). so, i definitely passed, and probably with a high mark too.

i can’t WAIT until i get back home and my nice “mark-self-esteem” is going to get blown to shreds by u of t.

tomorrow evening i have french exam. so right now as practice for it, i shall watch the godfather… in french! :)