its the small things

date: 1084262793

mood: grand.
listening to:kosheen – blue eyed boy

  • i’m fixated on the song kosheen – blue eyed boy. can’t stop listening to the first 2 minutes of it. and then i rewind and repeat.
  • i lost wallet with all my money in it. no id. ~30$. i was saving money to buy stuff.
  • today i went shopping for an interview shirt.
  • interview got cancelled.
  • couldn’t buy non interview stuff since i lost wallet.

    i’m so happy. i mean… small things. don’t matter. this bugged me greately about 12 hours ago. but now it doesn’t matter… i’m content.

    *rewinds song agian*

    i’m typing this and going to sleep. analyzing life is a tired task.

  • my mouse scroll wheel started working. it went all weird for a minute and opened a shitload of windows from a current page and then it started working again. it wasn’t working for like 2 days.
  • my favourites bar is functioning

    i am going to sleep soon. did i say that? yeah, i did.

    i started typing an apology to the many people who i could’ve hurt in the short amt of time i spent on the computer. but you know, i don’t mean harm.

    whoa, today (i just realized) i tried to help 2 people and i think i ended up making life worse for both of them. i guess i shouldn’t meddle in whats not mine…

    damn this song is addictive.

    i’m finally going to go to my bed. no crawly thingies tonight.