i should be asleep by now

date: 1105870038

mood: happy
listening to:something in the air tonight

i guess i haven’t done this in a while.

i finished a linguistic assignment day, and even started working on my next one. its pretty awesome, tobe responsible (i even cleaned my room and my bathroom) and then “go out” and relax and have fun.

while i’m happy on most levels, a level of me is really anxious, tired, worried, nervous. and so while im relaxed and chilled, i also have this stream inside of me gurgling with emotions. which isn’t bad, its good even. its just making it difficult to really feel relaxed at the end of the day.

i suppose a bottle of shiraz helps the feeling to speed along, at least for some time ;) nah, we were sharing it, … i think …

the only thing which annoys me on a fairly concious level at the moment (as in, not rightright now, but over the past few days) is the fact that i cannot change my sleeping patters to be more healthy and regular (i.e. i wanna fall asleep before 12, and wake up before 9, with no alarms and all). considering the time right now, i’m not helping things, am i?

good night!