holy batman, i need rest OR stuffs

date: 1096036018

mood: *YAWNS* | w00t, weekend
listening to:hackers – stumble you might fall

like, whoa.

bad thing sout of the way. i’m just out of my philosophy class, and i’m falling asleeeep. it is too long, it is too boring. the stuff we’re talking about is cool, but the way people talk and phrase stuff just kills me.

something crossed my mind yesterday. when i am at home – notice, i already have been calling hte guesthouse home! – i really feel at home. its like a family. we cook. we clean. we play soccer in the hall, for who gets to cook dinner. we watch tv and make fun of stupid movies. we ask for help with homework, we make fun of girl cut outs that the guys have stuck on the wall, we clean rooms, iron shirts, greet guests, and borrow ingridients for food. we ask “who else wants pasta” and “does anyone have eggs”. we whine about classes that are too dutch, about the dutch bureaucracy, about money and lack of thereof. we discuss trips, listen to music, plan tomorrow, and go sleep at different times. we make fun of the silent housecleaner (well not while shes there, duh), and the 20 security warnings that we have gotten in one weekend.

anyway. i miss home like crazy, i guess this is the stage when i have to miss it. [reference]

but i’m also very comfortable and happy here.

while my last 2 posts were really depressing in their mood, it was because i was tired and depressed and hungry when i was writing them. in all honesty, the amsterdam trip was fantastic – first trip i had that was outside of “safe” areas and with people my age!

last morning, as i had nothing to do, i made oladushki in the morning. it was absolutely awesome, cause this was the 3rd time i’m making them, and they came out peeeeeerfect.

i feel like i should have taken different clothes. i want more skirts (duh), and some shirts i took i’m unsure about. oh well, i guess i’ll just have to go shopping ;)

the highlight of yesterday was the light going out when we were sitting at the kitchen table at 3 am ;)



yesterday was very quiet. it was raining very badly outside, and the weather was miserable, therefore i gladly used the opportunity to not go out anywhere. i woke up around 1, made oladushki, drank tea, read some, played soccer in the hall, chatted to people. basically, i was the least possibly productive human being.

i lost to thomas *twice* in scoring goals, so i owed him 2 dinners. now its one, i made mushroom soup lat night. but, ARGH, not fair. i’m taking him up in tennis. i offered chess but for some reason he was scared ;)

anyway, later in the evening, before dinner, i studied, again, very unproductively. ended up launching into this discussion of europe/northamerica and canada/us and like stereotypes, media, how similar/different they are. it was fun, but not superbly good for my education ;)

what else… tonight we might be going out. probably will since didn’t go out for (gasp) 2 days.

also, today i got my paper subjects for psychology and philosophy. psychology is COOL and philosophy thankfully seems easy.

here’s how they work.

in psych, we got individual data sets, and software to analyze them. the data sets are from 150 real students who replied to a simple survey of about 15 questions about condom use, and their Beliefs, Social Influence, Self Efficacy on it. therefore we have 3 factors that influence the INTENT (of using a condom). and our paper has to analyze our individual data set, see which factors influence the intent the strongest, and using the additional papers and research that we are given, write a paper that proposes a solution to imporve the intent.

so i.e. my data set has social influence and self efficacy as highest influence, so i have to write a paper that would influence people on these two factors. and i get to come up with anything i want, with unlimited funds/time/people, but i have to base it on real theory.

the philosophy is not as interesting to me but its easier. its 3 questions, with some subquestions, regarding the material that we read, mostly dealing with modern/postmodern thought, wittgenstein, lyotard, habermas.

it looks like it started to rain again. boo!

next week i got NO classes except for french and chinese on tuesday and monday (in the evening), and on friday, philosophy (the paper is due). the psych paper is due a week later. and both this and next week i have wed/thursday with NO classes!


or rather, train trip.

speaking of trips, simon also bought a ticket to rome, so now its jennifer, me, simon, david. awesomness!

i gotta run, i wanna go into a dept store and get stockings and an umbrella.

have a great weekend everyone! i sure hope i will.