day 6, september 01

date: 1094545407

listening to:

woke up at 8 (4.5 hours sleep)
went to another lecture. did the mandatory reading and then fell asleep right on the desk (i wisely sat in the last row) by putting my head on my folded arms. they were talking about things completely irrelevant to the exchange students! blah.

then we had some stupid participation class, where everyone felt like we were in kinder garden. “you can only talk when you’re standing up!” … ugh… yeaaaah….

then we went to get coffee and wraps at this cheap, awesome place VERY close to all my classes (woohoo!). it was awesome, we were all talking about different cultures, canadian versus dutch and all that. one guy lived in hong kong for a year, so he compared that too.

then we went to the last pbl class, which was very fun. my highly productive (sarcasm, eh) reading in the morning helped me out a bit as i could honestly said that i read (he asked! hehe) the material. my discussion was mostly bullshit though. aah well.

after the last pbl class, i was at the end of hte last series of lectures, but it was so informal that i just left. they didnt take attendance in the start, and it was all so spread out that… meh, screw it, i suppose. instead i went upstairs, replied/wrote emails, and realized that i’m GOING TO PARIS!! (i also got my schedule).

too tired to type things now as it is 1am, and i have to wake up at 8. fucking hell… i was going to sleep well tonight! ah well, 7 hours better than 4.

i’ll paste info from emails to parents.

after internet, went home, got francesca, immedeately left, went to central station, bought bike.

buying bike:

we approached this moroccan guy, evil looking person. “you sell bikes?” “yeah, how much?”

me: “uhm, 10 euros”
him: “noo, NOOO, 10 euros is insane!! 30 euros!”
us (me and f): “30?!@! you must be insane! 15 euros!!”
him: “15? you will NEVER find 15!!”
f: “my friends got bikes for 15, and other friends got for 10!”
him: “nono, that was before, but not anymore”
me: “we want 2 bikes, do you have another one?” (he was displaying a bike to us, old, brown, *shrug*, nothing special).
him: “yes, yes, lets start walking. so 25?”
us: “25?! nononoooo (f with italian accent “non! non!”), 15 euros”
him + his assistant: (while walking) “15 euros, no, you are crazy, no way. 20, maybe.”
us: “nono, 20 impossible. we are getting 2 bikes!”
them: “okay, 35 for 2 bikes?”
we look at eachother. we walk for a while just thinking. then we kinda nod at eachother at when we reach their little bike corner we go “okay, okay, 35 for two bikes”.

i honestly expected 15 euros, so 17.5 is pretty good.

after testing bikes and figuring out which one is better for our height, we took em and rode home. very nice, fast, easy. bike lanes are nice.

except we didn’t go home. we went to internet, first francesca went for 30 minutes while i sat with the bikes, then i went for 20 minutes while she sat with the bikes. htis is like 7:30 at this point. we ride home, then she says “i need milk, lets go the supermarket”. i go “okay, but it closes soon (at 8), so lets ride fast”. so we ride fast (careful, dont worry, just pushing ourselves on the hills and all. i felt strong! my legs at least. i guess from all the walking…). came to supermarket at 7:50. she got milk, bacon, cheese.

we ride home, make dinner.

i meet estonian girl, miriam, on our floor.
simon, switzerland guy.
they are both shy, but seem to get along with eachother well.

2 french guys who also will live on our floor.

during the evening (we ate pasta, other people nothing, they didnt want), i practiced french with french guys (they said i speak well!!! except i forgot all the vocab. but my grammar is apprently perfect, even though i dont remember it one bit! WOOHOO!), estonian girl was practicing russian with me, french guys, francesca and switzerland guy were praciting english with me, and i was explaining russian to estonian girl and english to everyone else.
yeaah… my brain is fried from all the languages.
but it was really cool to talk french to real french people.
they are from south of france, by the way.

anyway, francesca and pieter went out, mirian and simon went out too, i stayed up a little with the french guys and went to room. cleaned up a bit, prepared stuff i’ll want to pack tomorrow for the paris trip, entered my schedule into the palm, and then retyped entries for past 3 days in case i can email them tomorrow from the laptop.

moral of the story: i had no time alone in my room at all in 3 days. which is what i need to type entries.