day 4, august 30

date: 1094545306

listening to:

i’m really backlogged.

short summary of today (i have handnotes to fill in later):

i’m retyping this day unfortuantely from memory 2 day later. even if i can’t fill in the details, the fun stuff will come back to me, and the unfun stuff – who cares. you’ll understand why i didnt write for 2 days though :P

so i woke up at 8, since it is monday and the reception is finally open – on monday i had to hand back my signed forms, and it opens at 8:30.

yeaaaah, right.

its closed.

i go back to the room, fall asleep. (blah). wake up again at 9:20! i have to be at university at 10. ouchouchouch. run to reception, sign/pay for next month.
run to bus.

busses are cool. first of all i had no clue how the hell does the system work, so i got on the first bus that came.

so i’m sitting in the bus, hoping to go to the main square. instead he goes to the main market. i figured he’ll have another stop at the square… instead he goes across the river! waay far from university. i slightly panic. get out at the train station, he points to busses 3, 4, 9 as ones to main square.

i get out, look for 3,4,9. not happening. 2 comes. it stops at the market. alright, i go on 2. cross river back. get out at market and run through main square to the introduction.

miraculously i wasn’t late by about a minute. :P

university introduction was the usual number of speeches about how cool they are and how stupid the students are. here are my notes from the thing (i wrote by hand in pad of paper):

the dean has a crumpled, untucked in bright orange shirt, with rolled up sleeves. on shirt corner is hanging out. he is a large man with bright white hair and intellegent eyes. he is wearing sandals and rolled up pants. i’m dying – he is the freaking DEAN!

in the room are the first year students for whom it is the first day. and exchange students, quickly getting bored out of their mind and insanely sleepy.
60-70% blondes. dean mentions there are about 250 people entering the college this year.

the college is 3 years old – the first graduate class of their weird degree is this year.

i realize 10 minutes later that he is speaking english! to be honest 2 days later it seems normal to me (maybe i’ll type up an explanation of why UCM is so different from any other university you know), but at that point its weird. its like u of t intro in french.

each student applying to ucm had to go through an interview with 2 teachers.

after the speeches we have an incredibly boring lessong about pbl (problem based learning). then a 3 hour break.

after the tutorial i am exauhsted from getting up so early, so i drag myself home. each way to walk is 30 minutes.
i come home, fall asleep telling francesca to wake me up an hour later.

an hour later i hear a knock on the door, and realize it is 3:30 (2 hours later) and i have to leave NOW to make it on time to “PBL classes”. whoops! thank goodness and francesca for waking me up.. if i missed class i couldn’t enroll in courses.

(i come in 3 minutes late. 10 minutes is a miss.)

there are 7 girls and 2 guys, and myself. there is also the tutor, who is a 3rd year student, meaning it is his last year. 5 girls blond, 1 a black haired, absoutely danish featured girl. i have NO clue how to explain – she is very pretty – but she is decisevly danish. she mentions she is from north of holland.

the first class was stupid and boring. i was tired. at least i got information about internet access from a guy in the helpdesk!

after class i went home (which would mean i walked 2 hours at this point, since i went there and back twice). met francesca and we went to the nicer shopping centre to buy cooking materials.

shopping is a seperate story and i am too late to type, but it came out to quite a reasonable price. 18 euros for supplies to last for about 2 weeks:
potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, rice, pasta, salt, oil, salad, onion, garlic, basil, eggs, coca cola. f. and myself split the cost.

came home, cooked dinner with f. – pasta with italian sauce made by her. tasty, good, homemade. i made salad. biting into a fresh cucumber felt awesome, like i’m at home, cause i can only do that at home. tomatoes here taste AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!­ !!!!!

after dinner, she prepared to go out, and i prepared to go to internet as the building should be open.

went to internet, spent about 1.5 hours online, which felt nice. got kicked out of building at 11:30 and not 12, turns out it closes at 12 when school starts, and earlier before than.

came home, robert called the floor. at this point there is no one except me on the floor, so it was a like an hour long conversation while i retold him everything i typed here.
all in all it takes me less time to tell than to type!

after the talk i went to drink some juice, and watched the end of some movie with harrison ford and geena davis (i think thats her name) about secretary, on bbc.

went to sleep at 2:30.