dark side of the moon

date: 1104703525

mood: tired. handra.
listening to:pink floyd, comfortably numb

i’m stuck between two places. here, and there. sometimes i’m more here, and sometimes i’m more there, but the transition is painful. writing emails is difficult, it brings up happy memories that i am afraid i’ll not be able to replicate. when i was there, i felt like an adult … a young adult, if that suits you more. when i was there, i felt mature, independent. and here, i suddenly am trying to mesh into my old image, who i was before i left, and it is not who i am any more.
maybe that is why i am so tired and shying away from people. maybe that’s the reason for my headaches, for the sickness, for the handra.
i am just not sure how to speed up the process.


new years came and went, and so did my birthday. i’m 21. an abstract number … representing nothing. i am happy; as everyone i have ups and downs, but majority and overwhelmingly i am happy, and could not ask for more from life. (i can of course still demand more from myself, heh).

my new years resolution is to hold promises, and to be on time. as such, expect me to make less promises.

i hope to spend more time with my dog, to raise my marks, to balance life, to be more healthy, to shoot more but less at the same time. i hope to be more creative, more smart, and i hope next year i’ll be able to look back as i am now, and say that this year i have learned more than i could have expected.