ARGH exams!

date: 1081811669

mood: levity
listening to:sin with sebastian – shut up and sleep with me

give me ideas on how to start studying.
i have 4 exams, in order of apperance:

9am-12am, 19 monday, programming : open book, bring all the paper you want, nothing digital. 3 hours. writing down code.
9am-12am, 22 thursday, logic: one sheet of paper with whatever you want, will be super SUPER hard, but if i UNDERSTAND stuff i’ll do well. but if there. 3 hours. ouch. long.
same day: linguistics. messy prof, messy notes, interesitng textbook, shitload of memorization required. 3 hours.
a week later:
psychology, cognition: i can study well for this. format is well known, she gives fantastic lecturs and has awesome notes. textbook very useful too.

i can’t start studying for the first 3 which are the hardest. BLAH. gimme advice.