amsterdam sunday, part 2, plus other days

date: 1095871914

mood: tired, headachy (was happy)
listening to:faithless – i want more (GET THE VIDEO, YOU, YES YOU!)


woke up at 10. brushed teeth, brushed hair, washed contacts. quickly packed bag, made sure i forgot nothing, and left to the reception.

now the reception is really cool. the breakfast was scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of bread, one white one brown, some jam, and butter/salt/pepper on the tables. and free tea. coffee cost 50 cents. but i dont drink coffee. and you all know how much i ADORE scrambled eggs! matter of fact i had some this morning (wednesday :D)

anyway… we get there, get free breakfast, and head out (dead tired from not enough sleep) to van gogh.

we arrived to van gogh around 12, spent 4 hours there… walked out DEAD tired.

the museum was nice, huge, a lot of paintings, a lot of information. i enjoyed it, but i liked orsay (paris), much MUCH MUCH more. however they had an exhibit of manet, in addition to van gogh, so it was fairly nice as well.

after that, we were starving. thomas and fabio decided to eat in the first place they found, i refused to eat in that overpriced tiny crappy (pardon) box, and asked to find someplace better.

we didn’t REALLY suceed. went to burger king, after about 10 minutes of walking. food is expensive, and it fed me, so i guess it was fine. you have to pay for ketchup while you’re there!

after burger king, went downstairs, watched people do weird things (like, a guy doing weird stuff with a soccer ball, i’ll post pics when the server is back up), some guys dancing (breakdancing), magicians, that sort of thing. jerome and simon had a capuccino (i didn’t), and after about 30 minutes of basking in the sun, we moved on to the next point of our trip.

the way home.

the sun was setting, it was 5 pm, and we were all DEAD tired. like, falling off our feet. so we shuffled towards the car (we reparked it after leaving the hostel), sat down, and basically (i) fell asleep for the rest of the way.


i had no classes in the morning. just chinese in the evening. anyway, my last blog describes it well.

so where does that put us?

ah, tuesday evening. after french (it was fun, but i’m running out of steam to type anything up), took bus home. 40 frigging minutes. 2.40 euros. grrr.

well, came home. ate. felt dead tired. did nothing for an hour or so.

people were going to go out, sooo i decided why the heck not.

it was SO worth it.

we went to highlander (meh, full), twee harem (meh, even MORE full – we just stood outside), then de alla, which was AWESOME. i DANCED! like, pair dancing! with twirls, and moves and stuffs. and just regular dancing. and i felt good, and it felt like i was doing it right! after de alla we moved to metamorphosis (its just another club next to maarkt), and danced more there (mostly dance music that i like, with a little bit of modern dance/hip hop), it was fantastic.

we came home at 4 am. went to sleep at 4:30.

now here is the fun part.

woke up at 9 (ouch, 2nd day of 5 hour sleep). read my psych textbook for today’s class. walked to class, coming like 4 minutes late (10 or more is a miss! again, ouch). had cool 2 hour class.

found out that i have tomorrow off :D YAY SLEEP

friday i get paper info for psych and philosophy.

and if i understand correctly, i will not have any classes in philosophy/psych next week, and no classes in psych the week after that as well.

anyway… i spent 6 hours here. not just typing this entry, talking to people, trying to relax. i’m hungry and not relaxed at all, but i wanna go home, i’m starving. people here ate pizza. my stomach is dead.

all in all… last 2 days flew by, the weekend flew by, today crawled by. i’m tired, so no emails (sowwie). i will do tomorrow, as i can be home :D and no chores to do!

i hope this was good enough. i barely have the energy to finish this sente